Art and Ecology Sites
In response to Native Tribes and civic groups, Maya Lin created works along the Columbia River Basin for the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804-06. Maya Lin Confluence Project
Water Artist Basia Irland has been creating performance art and sculpture for over 25 years. Her works draw attention to the plight of rivers such as the Rio Grande, the issues of global warming on watersheds, waterborne infections, and so many other important aspects of the growing crises of our watersheds. Basia Irland Water Artist
The unique and inspiring musical compositions of John Luther Adams arise from deep ecological observation and understanding: sound excerpts and writings on his website. John Luther Adams
Chris Jordan produces both beautiful and shocking art based on material production excess. Here is his TED talk with slide show: Chris Jordan Material Excess Art
Oregon Art and Ecology Centers
Since 1970, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology near Portland Oregon has offered residences,workshops,and art events serving the Pacific Northwest. Sitka Center for Art and Ecology
The Siskiyou Field Institute in Southern Oregon partners wtih Southern Oregon University and offers painting, sketching, storytelling, writing and other arts as forms of nature explorations along with its strong curriculum of Klamath-Siskiyou ecology courses. Siskiyou Field Institute
Environmental Organizations
Waterkeeper Alliance American Rivers
Klamath Riverkeeper
KS Wild
Inter-tribal Fish Commission
Friends of the River
West Atlanta Watershed Alliance
Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper
Publications and Albums
River Circles Photo Album by Goly Ostovar for Madrona Arts
Diana Hartel Vassar Radio Show Be the Change Jan 14, 2009
Diana Hartel Vassar Radio Show Be the Change Feb 4, 2009
Captain Moore on Ocean Trash
Cermaq part 1
Klamath River Tribes Protest Pacificorp
E O Wilson TED Talk on Saving the Earth
Richard Preston on the Wild Trees