Madrona Arts Continued….


Mid-day October 13 Daniel Sperry and Diana Hartel walked out on the nearly deserted sandbar at the mouth of the Klamath. We offered rose petals, incense, sage, and blessings to the river, her guardian rocks, and all inhabitants of the estuary. Thus Daniel Sperry began to create a musical tribute to the Klamath River. You can follow Daniel on his journeys here or his own website

Cello Man Sings – Daniel Sperry

We will be updating the news with photos and audio. The link below is a recent composition by Daniel Sperry, find some beauty in your day as you listen.

Daniel Sperry Cello SomeKiss

SEPTEMBER 2011 Cliffhanger is a project of Madrona Arts first shown in Yreka, CA. Plans are underway to work with Kari Norgaard and students at the University of Oregon to replicated Cliffhanger.


In the first showing of Cliffhanger Madrona artists presented a performance piece on denial of global climate change. This project was part of Jefferson Nature Center’s Shifting Patterns: Preparing for Unsettled Days. Susan Cross spoke about Shifting Patterns, a program of artists and scientists that has been addressing issues. The event began with a presentation by Brian Barr, a climate scientist with Geos Institute on climate change models as applied to the Klamath watershed.

Madrona Arts artists created 30 typical denial statements ranging across the political spectrum.  Audience members read the statements that are handed to them while they ascend a soapbox. The person reading then descends a ramp showing a cross-walk man falling off a cliff. Video and audio expressions of the destruction of the watershed plays while denial statements are read. After all statements have been read and everyone has fallen off the cliff, the statement cards are flipped over, and positive action statements are read. The watershed begins to restore itself.